1. Music.
This is almost the price of admission in a firm filled with music nuts. But the fact is I love listening to music. I read somewhere that visual art is how we decorate space, and music is how we decorate time. That’s a wonderful idea. When I was pregnant I didn’t have a lot of the usual food cravings (has anyone really ever asked for pickles and ice cream?), but I did have aural cravings. I’d wake up in the middle of the night and NEED to hear a certain song. I also love playing music. There’s nothing like the thrill of performing with a group of people, with everyone focused on the common goal of creating something beautiful – decorating time – together.
2. Jeans.
At the end of a long work day, and on lazy days off around the house, there’s nothing better than a comfortable pair of jeans. Yoga pants? Nope. Sweatpants? Unh-unh. Sweet, sweet denim. My two favourite words? Casual. Friday.
3. Metal-free hair elastics.
My son thinks they’re attached to my arm. He calls them bracelets and flips out if he sees one in my hair instead of on my wrist.
4. Hot chocolate & slurpees.
Not at the same time, of course. But that’s not to say that either is relegated to only one season. Hot chocolate in the summer is perfectly acceptable, and so is a slurpee in the middle of winter. There’s no question that the ancient Greeks were talking about these two when they wrote of nectar and ambrosia – however far Odysseus may have wandered from the nearest 7-Eleven.
5. My family.
They are my all – my constant source of joy, pride and laughter. I have two hilarious children with ridiculously good memories who work indefatigably to outsmart my husband and me every single day. It’s so much fun to watch them grow and learn. The opportunities that they’ll have, the information they’ll be able to access… there’s no telling what they’ll be capable of. I’m so excited to see what they’ll do next.